Stories from Martin Hatchuel - Page 6
Some light entertainment for you and your guests
Think about it creatively: we could combine these stories with some art work, print them...
Gift cards, pillow gifts - everyone loves a good bed-time story!
The vampire of Steynsburg Pass
Posted on Sun October 29, 2017.
A story from the collection 'Travels in my head' by Martin Hatchuel
The Charabanc from Barkly East to Rhodes
Posted on Thu September 21, 2017.
A short story by Martin Hatchuel - from the collection ‘Travels in my Head.’
Nati and the Pumpkin Bumpkin
Posted on Thu September 21, 2017.
A story for everyone (I hope little kids'll enjoy it especially).
A Miraculous Day at the Witsand Botel
Posted on Mon July 31, 2017.
A traveller's short story by Martin Hatchuel
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